First of all, it is useful to know that there are many models of the soup diet. But in general, the features in the soup diet are based on the same basics.

Since most of the soup is made up of liquids, it is quite filling, takes up a lot of space in the stomach and does not actually digest very quickly. It is not boring and monotonous as you can get many different soups from many different materials. It can be used as a stand-alone main meal replacement with proper ingredients. But is it enough to build an entire diet on soup alone? The answer to this question may vary depending on your ambition, so you can examine the soup diet models and apply the one that suits you.

Soup-only diet:

In this diet model, soup is consumed instead of 3 main meals. When you follow this diet with a high liquid content, you are less likely to have a problem with hunger or thirst. However, considering that the soup diet will remain poor in protein, it is useful not to do it for more than 3-5 days. If you are in a process where you want to lose weight quickly in a short time, it can be used as a small shock diet. It should not be forgotten that in order for this weight loss to be permanent, it is necessary to pay attention to healthy nutrition in the ongoing process.

As an example menu;

Morning: 1 bowl of vegetable soup

snack: 1 portion of fruit

Noon: 1 bowl of vegetable soup

afternoon: 1 glass of milk/yogurt

Evening: 1 bowl of legume soup

Diet with soup in 2 main meals:

In this diet, breakfast is usually made as usual, and soup is consumed at lunch and dinner. Since it contains more protein than a diet containing only soup, it can be done for a longer time and there will be no hunger problems again. We can also say that it is quite healthy, especially if you prefer cheese and eggs for breakfast, which are both filling and contain high protein. In particular, soups containing more protein compared to other soups should be preferred ‘generally seasoned ones’.

As an example menu;

Morning: Vegetable omelette prepared with 3 eggs

snack: 1 portion of fruit

Noon: 1 bowl of vegetable soup

afternoon: 1 glass of milk/yogurt

Evening: 1 bowl of vegetable soup

Diet in which only soup is consumed in a single main meal:

In this model, which can be applied for a much longer time and is more satisfying + healthy than others, you need to consume 1 main meal loaded with protein. It is a more suitable model in terms of both fiber, fluid and protein/carbohydrate stability.

As an example menu;

Morning: 1 bowl of yogurt + 1-2 tablespoons of oatmeal + 1 portion of fruit

snack: 2 walnuts

Noon: Baked, grilled or boiled meat/chicken/fish in the size of 4-5 meatballs

afternoon: 1 glass of milk/yogurt + 1 portion of fruit

  Evening: 1 bowl of vegetable soup

If you are on a soup diet, you will need several different and satisfying soup definitions that can replace the main meal. Here are a few definitions of soups that are slightly more nutritious and more bioavailable than our classic flavors.

Pumpkin Soup


  • 3 medium zucchini
  • 2 liters of water
  • 4 tablespoons of light yogurt
  • 1 egg
  • 8 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • chili pepper

How is it done?

Chop the zucchini coarsely and add 2 lt. with salt and pepper. boil in water. Mix yoghurt, egg and oatmeal in a different bowl, take 1 ladle of boiling zucchini water and slowly add it to this mixture. Slowly add the seasoning you have obtained to the pot, mixing it. 10 min. Boil, add chopped dill or dried mint and blend. Serve preferably with lemon.

Benefits of pumpkin soup

The zucchini and oats in our recipe are high fiber sources and keep your digestive system working properly, giving you a feeling of fullness over time. This soup, which also has a detoxification function, provides a basis for you to lose weight by eating healthy.

Vegetable soup


  • 300 gr. broccoli
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup of light milk
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • chili pepper

How is it done?

Boil all the ingredients in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes, pass them through a blender, preferably serve with lemon.

The benefits of vegetable soup

Our soup, which is an antioxidant and cysteine ​​store, will help strengthen your immune system as well as a complete cancer shield. Although the carbohydrate content is very low compared to typical Turkish soups, it provides a long-term feeling of satiety thanks to its high fiber content and protein.

WRITING:Dietitian Abdullah Mollamamesioglu

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