What causes odor on the scalp? Herbal solution to scalp odor…

Many people have an odor on their soles even though I wash my hair, what can I do? There are some natural methods that we can apply if we cannot get rid of the terrible smell of the scalp even after the entire shampooing process and washing we have done. Well, how can we get rid of the odor on the scalp that bothers the person and worries about the people around him? As Elmaelma.com, we searched for the answer to this question for you…

What Causes Scalp Odor?

As weather conditions can also affect the smell of the scalp, factors such as not drying the washed hair in a good condition, overexposure to the sun and sweating, and hair care products used can also cause a hair peak odor.

One of the reasons for the smell emanating from your scalp may be based on your skin type. The hair of people with oily skin absorbs strong and nasty odors more easily. Acne formation is more common in people with this skin type.

If You Wash Your Hair Every Day…

Even if you wash your hair frequently or even every day, you may experience odor problems on the scalp. If the hair you wash and leave in the morning smells bad before evening, it may indicate health problems. In fact, this problem may increase even more in the hair that is washed every day.

How to Avoid Smell on the Bases of Hair?

– By using lemon and vinegar, you will get rid of the bad smell on the scalp with a natural formula. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a glass of water, apply it to your scalp, leave it, then wash it off.

Apple cider vinegar also cleans the hair in a natural form. Add a glass of apple cider vinegar to two glasses of water and wait a few minutes, then wash your hair with cold water.

– Carefully combing the hair several times a day helps to keep the hair healthy and to remove excess dirt from the skin.

-You can take advantage of a popular scented non-rinse care products that you can apply to your hair.

-Olive oil also contains vegetable fatty acids and these acids neutralize the formations that cause bad odor in the hair.