What causes ectopic pregnancy, experts explain!

The onset is similar to a normal pregnancy, but an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs as a result of the gestational sac settling in a place other than the uterus, often in the tubes, can pose a life-threatening risk to the patient if not detected early. The onset is similar to a normal pregnancy, but an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs as a result of the gestational sac settling in a place other than the uterus, often in the tubes, can pose a life-threatening risk to the patient if not detected early.

What is an ectopic pregnancy?

Pregnancy begins with a fertilized egg. Normally, the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus. Instead, it may attach to the fallopian tube, abdominal cavity, or cervix. Because it can cause life-threatening bleeding, it needs medical care in a short time. Since it is not possible to continue an ectopic pregnancy, the pregnancy must be terminated as soon as it is determined that the embryo has implanted somewhere outside the uterus. Early treatment of an ectopic pregnancy makes it possible to have healthy pregnancies in the future. As the egg grows, the symptoms become more obvious.

An ectopic pregnancy does not always cause symptoms and can only be detected during a routine pregnancy screening. Nausea and chest pain are among the common symptoms in both ectopic and uterine pregnancies. Common symptoms of ectopic pregnancy;

• Sharp pain waves in the abdomen, pelvis, shoulder or length
• Severe pain on one side of the abdomen
• Mild to severe vaginal spotting or bleeding
• Dizziness or fainting
• Printing on the rectum
• Drop in blood pressure

There are certain factors that create an ectopic pregnancy…

Every woman with an active sexual life carries the risk of ectopic pregnancy. However, there are certain conditions that increase the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy. These;
• Appendicitis or previous pelvic infections
• Endometriosis
• Previous ectopic pregnancy
• Pregnancies occurring while driving an intrauterine device
• Pregnancies that occur when the tubes are tied
• Polygamy
• Some infertility treatments
• Pregnancy over 35 years old
• Sexually transmitted diseases

Reducing the risks is in your hands

A definitive way to prevent an ectopic pregnancy has now not been found. But you can minimize the risk. Limiting the number of sexual partners and using condoms can help prevent sexually transmitted infections and reduce the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease. Just like at a time when you are trying to conceive, you should definitely stop smoking. The more cigarettes you smoke, the higher your risk.

Treatment varies according to the diagnosis period.

If an ectopic pregnancy is detected early, it can be treated with medication. By injecting the drug, cell growth is prevented and the overgrown cells are destroyed. If the diagnosis is made in a later period, ectopic pregnancy cannot be treated with medication, a surgical basis is required. With laparoscopic surgery, a small incision is made in your abdomen. Your doctor examines the area with a thin tube (laparoscope) with a camera and light. Other instruments may be needed to repair the fallopian tubes and remove the outer tissue, or other small incisions may be made to do this. After treatment, beta-hCG level decreases. If it does not fall, it means that there is still pregnancy tissue. It should be followed until the beta-hCG level is zero. After an ectopic pregnancy, there is a high probability of having an ectopic pregnancy again. If the tubes are not damaged after drug treatment or surgery, the usual pregnancy luck will be higher.

Source: Pembenar