How to remove bad breath Make sure to brush your teeth after meals!

Bad breath is an annoying problem for many people. While some people are very worried about this issue even though they have little bad breath, some people may not notice their own bad breath. In the presence of bad breath, first of all, oral and dental hygiene habits should be reviewed. Here are the ways to get rid of bad breath for you!

Causes of bad breath

The causes of bad breath can be listed as follows:

Foods: The breakdown of food particles in the middle or around the teeth can increase bacteria and cause a foul odor. Consuming certain foods such as onions, garlic and spices can also cause bad breath.

Tobacco works: Smoking causes undesirable bad breath. Smokers and users of other tobacco products are more likely to have gum disease, another source of bad breath.

Inadequate dental care: In individuals who do not brush and floss regularly, food particles stay in the mouth and cause bad breath. If the bacterial plaque on the teeth is not removed, it can irritate the gums and eventually form plaque-filled pockets in the middle of the teeth and gums. Language can also trap odor-producing bacteria. Dentures that are not properly cleaned or fitted properly can harbor odor-causing bacteria and food particles.

dry mouth: Saliva helps clean the mouth by removing particles that cause bad smells. In the case of dry mouth, which is called xerostomia in medical language, bad breath may increase due to decreased saliva production. Dry mouth occurs naturally during sleep, leading to the nasty mouth odor normally observed in humans in the morning.

Infections in the mouth: Wounds in the mouth after oral and maxillofacial surgery, such as tooth extraction, can cause a foul odor. Apart from that, tooth decay and gum diseases also cause nasty odors.

How to get rid of bad breath?

The practices you can do at home to reduce or prevent bad breath are as follows:

Brushing teeth after meals: You should have a toothbrush with you, not only at home, but also outside or at work to use after eating. You should brush at least twice a day, especially after meals, using a fluoride-containing toothpaste. It has been shown by studies that toothpastes with antibacterial properties reduce bad odors.

Floss at least once a day:Truly flossing removes food particles and plaque from your teeth and helps control bad breath.

Brushing the tongue: Language, like teeth, harbors bacteria, so brushing carefully can reduce odors. Smokers or those with dry mouth are more prone to have a tongue that is covered by bacteria, so it is beneficial for such individuals to use a special tongue scraper. Alternatively, a toothbrush with built-in language cleaner can be used.

Cleaning dentures or dental appliances: If you are wearing a bridge or denture, you should clean it at least once a day or as often and as directed by your dentist. Your dentist can recommend the most suitable cleaning products for you.

Avoiding dry mouth: You need to keep your mouth moist, so you can stay away from tobacco products and consume more water. You should limit beverages such as coffee, soft drinks, or alcohol that can lead to a drier mouth. You can chew sugarless gum to stimulate saliva.